Where to begin with such a vast question? Yes, yes, yes! So much so! Technology has had a huge impact on the consulting industry, transforming not only the way consultants work but also the way they deliver services, and interact with clients. But whilst technology will continue to change the way we work, at smart/tasking we believe there’s still a huge need for hands-on experience and expertise, one that technology will never fully replace (not any time soon, anyway). We’ve all had to adapt quickly, especially post-pandemic, to the rise of technology in our various business spaces and we will continue to have to shift and pivot with the monumental rise of AI.

But how has it changed our industry? Several ways come to mind:

Data analytics and business intelligence:

  • Technology has enabled consultants to gather and analyse vast amounts of data, providing deeper insights into client businesses.
  • Advanced analytics tools help consultants identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for improvement.

What did we do before data? It’s now crucial for businesses because it provides valuable insights and information that help us make better decisions (or influence others to make them).

Remote collaboration:

  • Collaboration tools, video conferencing, and project management platforms have made it easier for consultants to work with clients globally, breaking down geographical barriers.
  • Remote collaboration tools enhance communication and facilitate real-time interactions.

This was particularly prominent during the pandemic – the world was forced online, and we adapted with lightning speed.

Automation and AI:

  • Automation technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) have streamlined routine tasks, allowing consultants to focus on more complex, value-add activities.
  • AI can assist in data analysis, generate insights, and even support decision-making processes.

This is a big change for us, if we consider AI to be on our side, we can work more productively and add greater value.

Cloud computing:

  • Cloud platforms have enabled consultants to store, access, and share data securely, fostering collaboration and information exchange.
  • Cloud-based tools also provide scalability and flexibility, allowing consultants to adapt to changing client needs.

Remember having to back up all files at the day with a backup tape (and the noise those machines made)? How far we’ve come!

Digital transformation consulting:

  • Consultants now play a crucial role in guiding organisations through digital transformations, helping them adopt new technologies to stay competitive.
  • Digital transformation consulting involves advising on technologies like IoT, blockchain, and cybersecurity.

Digital transformation is a big part of what we do at smart/tasking, and it means significant challenges for service functions. Whether it’s asset optimisation or tech integration, we can help.

Technology has brought about significant advancements in the consulting industry, enhancing efficiency, expanding service offerings, and enabling consultants to better serve their clients in a rapidly changing business landscape. Whilst this is undeniable, there are certain aspects where human expertise and judgment continue to play a vital role.

Our skills, intuition and understanding are irreplaceable, and it’s why our three services –

1) smart/hands, supporting businesses who want to deliver tasks or projects themselves, but don’t have the right skills or people in-house

2) smart/consult, providing businesses with specialist advice on how to achieve strategic objectives and goals

3) smart/task, understanding and taking ownership of clients’ time-consuming tasks, whilst also identifying and recommending ways to improve and streamline processes for the future

– are still so prevalent. If you’d like to know more, let’s have a conversation – get in touch

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