Leadership, once synonymous with command and control, has undergone a massive overhaul in recent years. Gone are the days of rigid hierarchies and authoritarian rule. In their place, a more enlightened form of leadership has emerged – one that places purpose at the forefront – one that we, as a team, are very much behind.

This shift in leadership style reflects the changing dynamics of the modern world. The traditional model has proven inadequate in an era where transparency, social responsibility, and employee wellbeing are paramount. And this is even more prominent in our post-covid era – the pandemic accelerated us into a whole new realm where businesses are being called upon to play a more significant role in addressing societal challenges, redefining their roles and responsibilities.

Purpose-driven leaders are driven by a sense of purpose. They align their personal and organisational goals with a higher purpose. These leaders are able to inspire their teams to achieve great things, create a positive impact on society, and ultimately achieve long-term success for the businesses they work in.

In this blog, we’ll look into the concept of purpose-driven leadership as well as its benefits for businesses. Drawing on our experience on this topic, we’ll also lay out actionable steps for aspiring purpose-driven leaders.

Benefits for businesses

Embracing purpose-driven leadership can be a game-changer for businesses. Purpose-driven leaders can drive:

  1. Enhanced employee engagement: purpose-driven leaders inspire their teams by connecting their work to a greater cause. This, in turn, fosters higher levels of employee engagement and commitment.
  2. Improved innovation: leaders who focus on purpose encourage creativity and innovation within their teams. Employees are more likely to suggest novel ideas when they feel their work contributes to a meaningful goal.
  3. Stronger corporate reputation: businesses led by purpose-driven leaders tend to enjoy a better reputation in the eyes of customers, investors, and the public. Their ethical stance and commitment to social and environmental causes can set them apart.
  4. Sustainable growth: purpose-driven leadership encourages long-term thinking and sustainable business practices. This can lead to more stable growth and resilience in the face of challenges.

How to encourage a purpose-driven leader

We frequently work with leaders where being purpose-driven is a huge focus. Whether you’re supporting a leader, or taking steps to be more purpose-driven yourself, we hope the following advice will be useful:

Identify personal values: reflect on your core values and beliefs. What drives you beyond financial success? Understanding your values is the first step in aligning your leadership style with purpose.

Define a clear purpose: clearly articulate your vision for the business. What impact do you want to make in the world, and how does your company contribute to that vision? What legacy do you want to leave? Share this purpose with your team whenever you can, and think about how it weaves into day-to-day tasks.

Lead by example: demonstrate your commitment to the purpose through your actions. Your behaviour should consistently reflect the values and purpose you’ve set for the organisation.

Empower and inspire: encourage team members to find their own sense of purpose within their roles. Empower them to make decisions and contribute to the greater vision.

Measure impact: establish metrics to track your progress towards your purpose-driven goals. Regularly assess how your actions align with your purpose and adjust your strategies as needed.

Just as a leader supports his/her teams, we know from experience that teams play a crucial role in supporting purpose-driven leaders too. They can contribute by being open in their communicationembracing opportunities for personal and professional development, aligning with a company’s values and continuously providing feedback to the leadership team.

The way individuals are approaching work-life continues to change, and we believe that being purpose-driven in everything you do is a powerful approach that can transform both businesses and society. At smart/tasking we’re proud to provide coaching to brilliant leaders wanting to be the best version of themselves. Get in touch for more details about coaching at: contact page

By Niall Anderson | CEO at Smart/tasking