Leadership can take many forms, but there’s one element that stands out as incredibly important: energy. Energy is the invisible force that drives leaders forward, motivates teams, and leads to success. On the Company Doctor podcast recently, Gary interviewed Colette Heneghan, MD of Optimum Living, who explained “Energy is essentially the symptom of our health. Health is so much more than the absence of disease. It’s vibrancy, vitality and brilliance.” She and Gary discussed the personal energy epidemic and in listening to it recently, it got us thinking about why energy is the most crucial element of leadership. We believe that energy can turn ordinary individuals into exceptional leaders. Here’s how:

Energy is the spark that gets things moving. It’s the enthusiasm and passion that leaders bring to the table, and it has a contagious effect. When leaders are energetic, their teams are more inspired, engaged, and committed. Energetic leaders have a natural drive that pushes them to reach for big goals. They show this commitment by always working towards their vision and bringing their teams along for the ride.

Leadership often involves facing obstacles. High energy levels help leaders bounce back from setbacks, showing resilience and determination that inspires others to learn from that setback. Energetic leaders are open to new ideas and creative approaches. They inspire their teams to think outside the box and constantly improve.

Energetic leaders are better at picking up on the emotional needs of their team members. They listen actively, provide support, and build strong, empathetic relationships. High energy levels make it easier for leaders to understand their emotions and reactions. This self-awareness helps them respond more effectively to situations. Energy contributes to strong interpersonal skills, making it easier for leaders to communicate, collaborate, and resolve conflicts within their teams.

Leaders often find themselves making tough decisions, and their energy levels can significantly impact the quality of those decisions. Energetic leaders tend to think more clearly and make well-informed decisions. They have the mental sharpness to analyse complex situations and make the right choices.

High energy boosts self-confidence, which is crucial when making difficult decisions. Leaders who exude confidence earn the trust and respect of their teams. Energy enables leaders to adapt quickly to changing situations—a vital skill in today’s business world.

Great leaders don’t just manage; they also inspire. Energetic leaders paint an exciting vision of the future. They motivate their teams to reach for greatness by sharing this vision. Leaders who are full of energy set the pace for their teams. Positive energy is infectious and leaders who radiate positivity create a work environment that’s both enjoyable and productive.

So, energy is the spark that drives action, enhances emotional intelligence, influences decision-making, and inspires others. It’s the driving force that pushes leaders to achieve greatness and encourages their teams to do the same. To be an exceptional leader, harness your energy effectively, and watch as it transforms not only your leadership style but also the success of your team and wider organisation. It really is the most important element of all. Find out more about the support smart/tasking can give in helping you find a little more energy, whether it’s consultancy or providing you with brilliant people, here.